Thursday, October 9, 2008

Paper, Paper, Paper!

Just like Leo the Lion at the local children's zoo, my son likes paper. He likes to crumple it. He likes to tear it up. He likes to even eat it, if I don't catch him in time. Yesterday we had a new paper situation from my perspective.

The setting - I'm in the Kitchen, making Krista a waffle. Krista walks to the bathroom where Gabriel has crawled.

K: Gabriel! You are a messy boy.
G: AAhhahhh
K: Gabriel, you are oddry (ornery).

Pitter patter, pitter patter - Krista enters the kitchen.

K: Gabriel... Gabriel is got the tissue.
T: Did Gabriel find a tissue and tear it up?
K: Yeah.

I head to the bathroom where Gabriel has about the entire roll of tissue paper surrounding him on the floor and a very big smile on his face. I like paper!

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