Monday, February 9, 2009

Computer Fun

Krista's conversation with "Elmo" on her little Sesame Street Laptop computer.

E: How many blue balloons do you see?
K: One, two, three, four, five....
E: How many blue balloons do you see?
K: I'm counting them! (Pushes the "5" button.)
E: Oops, does not compute. There are 7 blue balloons.
K: (Pulls lever for next question.)
E: How many candles are on the birthday cake?
K: One, two, three, four, five....
E: How many candles are on the birthday cake?
K: I'm COUNTING THEM! (Stops counting.)
E: We can play more later, bye bye!

1 comment:

Anna said...

That computer is kind of a jerk - she's counting already!! :o)