Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nice One

That little lady called Krista has been awfully grabby and selfish lately - especially in sharing toys with her brother. However, she shocked me today with a moment of pure giving:

After going to the potty by herself *yay*, she gets two pieces of candy of her choice. "I want jelly beans!" Well, sweetie, there are only two left - a yellow one and a black one. She takes them happily. Gabriel enters the kitchen, looking for his piece of the loot. Sorry, no more jelly beans buddy, would you like a Reese's Pieces? Mr. Pouty Lip shakes his head "NO!" and starts to walk away whining. Krista, without any prompting or expectations, walks up to Gabriel. "Gabriel, you can have my yellow jelly bean." Gabriel is now happy as a lark, with a wide grin, and consumes his jelly bean.

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