Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gabriel's 18mos Checkup

Other than being the ultimate crab-boy, Gabriel had a great checkup today.

Height: 32 3/4"
Weight: 24lbs 14 oz
Head: 18 3/4

He is in the 50-75% for each category, a very rounded boy. The doctor said the little bumps on his arms and legs aren't too much of a concern. Not eczema and nothing really "cures" it. She said it could be there for a while, even as much as a year. It doesn't seem to bother him or itch at all, so it's just a cosmetic issue more than anything else.

He didn't want her look him over at all and screamed the whole time - a complete difference from the way Krista's appointments went when she was little. He didn't have to have any shots, at least!

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