Saturday, April 21, 2012

Super Logan!

We got the new braces for Logan's feet - check out Super Logan!

He chose the Superman pattern. At first he was very wobbly in them, as he had to readjust his balance because it kept him off of his toes more. But on day two, he was walking around everywhere and doesn't want to take them off after they are on. After he has adjusted to these well, we will talk about wearing belt around his waste/wrapped on his legs to correct the hip issue - that causes him to toe-in. We'll see if he is as keen on that, as he wanted nothing to do with them on Thursday when he saw them (didn't have to put them on yet, but still cried/scared). Maybe after Gabriel gets his new belts from Grandma, Logan will want his own "belt" too!

And the socks work great, Grandma! This pic has them pulled up straight, but the next day I pulled them up and folded the top over the top of the brace which keeps them in place better and looks spiffy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful~
Do you want to come tomorrow for lunch - so Gabriel can get the belts and new jammies for the rest!

let me know! love you