Monday, November 23, 2009

Black Friday Avoidance

I don't like crowds. I'm more of a shy person, especially in larger groups. I'm not very aggressive and I'm not the type to push for what I want. So, it's no surprise that I'm not going to be joining the masses to get the "deals" on Black Friday. In fact, I'm already done with most of my Christmas shopping - only a couple of gifts left to get. The kids have their Christmas gifts and Gabriel has his birthday gifts all ordered.

I shopped around, only I did it online. I found the items I wanted to get them and then comparison shopped for the best prices - mostly, and I do have to go pick up my items from Walmart, but at least I don't have to shop the aisles and I don't have to go during the worst shopping times. The rest will come to my front door, I just have to find room in my house for things prior to Christmas, where little snoopers and one big snooper won't find them!

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