Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gabriel's 9mos Check Up

Gabriel had his 9 mos well-care child visit the other day. Here are his stats from the visit:

Weight: 21 lbs 4 oz (50-75%)
Height: 28.25" (50%)
Head: 18" (50-75%)

Overall, Gabriel is a very well-proportioned average child. His language abilities are right on track as he says, Gaga, Mama, Papa, Baba, Yaya.... the only one he says with purpose is "Mama" when he's mad and wants picked up. Sometimes he says "Papa" when he sees Josh leaving.

Nana will be glad to know that he had some meat yesterday. Some baby food ham, mixed in his other vege/cereal combo. No full body convulsions of disgust this time! Either he likes the ham better than the turkey or I mixed it well with the other food.

Today we also have a new adventure - today is Krista's first dentist appointment. I'll let you know how it goes!

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