Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Birthday Month

My birthday month is quickly approaching and another summer month is almost over. Can you believe it? Time seems to be swiftly passing me by. I know some of you will want birthday lists and I promise I will work on it. Some of you already know what you are getting me and I know what you are getting me - ha!

On a side note, I made Krista's first dentist appointment. It will be in September, so wish her good luck. It is probably a little late in the eyes of the pediatric dentist, although our normal dentist wasn't too concerned about getting her an appointment right away. But, she is getting good at letting me brush her teeth and wanting to "do it myself" - so that is a good sign.

Gabriel is almost to the point of crawling. He can get up entirely on his hands and knees for a short period of time now. This can't be an easy feat as he is a chunker. This makes sleeping through the night harder on us because he flips himself over and crawls (as much as he can in the crib). He then gets in uncomfortable situations with his legs stuck out the front of the crib or his head jammed in the corner. So up mom gets to plop him back in the middle of the crib on his back and stick a paci back in his mouth. This has been happening at least once a night recently. All I can say is: Ugh.

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