Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Gabriel's 12 Mos Checkup
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow Angel
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Here They Come!
Ansel is at the height of excitement as well because the delivery men are out in full force. Any time he hears one of their trucks, which he can hear from miles away, he barks like a crazy dog. We have our fair amount of deliveries with all our packages flooding in from Nana this week. Ansel has spent a fair amount of kennel time the last few days when I just get fed up.
Gabriel loves the Christmas trees with their round ornaments. A couple of his new words are used daily as he gazes at the tree, "tree" and "ball".
We are all ready for Christmas/Jesus' birthday (which we now have to have a birthday cake for Jesus per Krista), but can't believe it's already just a week away!
Monday, December 15, 2008
T: What happens if you push your brother?
K: Go to time out!
T: That's right, so don't hit your brother. (I start to get distracted with something else.)
K: Do it again, mom. Do it again!
T: OK.. What happens if you don't share?
K: Go to time out! (Big smile.)
T: What happens if you..... say no to Mama or Papa?
K: Go to time out!
T: What happens if you.... hug your brother?
K: ... That was nice!
And on and on we go. I am so proud of the way she absorbs the concept of right and wrong and understands the resulting consequences. It's fun to watch the little wheels crank away in her little mind.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
To Blog?
I could tell you.... and I guess I did - Blog Success!
Monday, December 8, 2008
I am a Monkey loudly calling out, "Oooh ooh, Ahhh ahh!" I grab my monkey young and run across the floor.
I am a Cat, licking my paws. I meow loudly and hiss at another cat.
I am a Bear and release a menacing, "RAAHHRR!" I show my claws and run swiftly.
Thanks, Krista, for your wonderful imagination. It's always fun to play with you.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Christmas Dialog
K: Is it beautiful?
K: Wow!
K: It's a Christmas tree!
K: Is it nice?
K: Want to go to Christmas?
K: Wow!
K: Christmas is sooo fun!
K: Hahahaha!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Bad Mommy!
--Three streaks of red crayon marks and three streaks of yellow crayon marks on the couch - Krista owned up to this when I asked her if she did it with a proud, "Yes, I did!"
--Gabriel sitting in a puddle of red punch, his pants and socks soaked red with Krista's cup from dinner in his hand. I did put the drink up on the Babee Tenda (high chair) table, but his reach has amazingly gotten longer recently (baby's grow? whooda thunkit!).
--Gabriel standing in the bathtub, unable to get out and me standing there wondering how he got in there without conking his head open.--Krista sitting on Gabriel's back, while Gabriel is flat on his tummy on the ground unable to move - she was laughing and he was whining (maybe she'll be a professional wrestler?).
And all I can say for myself is, "But, I only turned my back on them for a second!"
Friday, November 28, 2008
Josh told me the other day that he was making funny "end of shift" reports at the end of each week that he sends to his supervisors. His coworkers get a kick out of these random humorous rants, so I told him he should post them to the blog. I find them funny and you may, too.
Check out Josh's birthday dedication blog that I wrote for him, to have some background about him. Now, I will have some oreo fluff today, thank you very much!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Kermit the Frog
Do you remember that song that was sung by Kermit the Frog? The one that goes, "Why are there so many songs about rainbows? And what’s on the other side?" I was thinking about this the other day while I was sharpening my axe. I think Kermit is either a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time, or he is a genius mastermind who actually devised an elaborate plan to get rid of songs about rainbows by making the rainbow colors synonymous with the gay community. We already can figure out how he voted on Proposition 8 in California. He voted for it! The reason I believe this to be true is because he obviously hates songs about rainbows and he knows that to be a part of the gay community is not that popular or else they would have passed Proposition 8.
I mean how else are you going to get rid of rainbow songs? Have you heard a song about rainbows in the last 20 years? I bet you cannot name one! I sure can't. I mean maybe Barney had one or two but we all know what team Barney bats for. Plus that sick twisted freak is a bonified chubby chaser and has no business being around children in the first place. Well enough about Barney the big purple dinosaur, Kermit is the focus of this weeks end of shift report.
I am not saying anything bad about Kermit; in fact I really admire his divisiveness and ability to say to himself "I don't like songs about rainbows, now what am I going to do about it." Most of us would have just sat down and cried about it, or convinced themselves that the problem is too big to tackle, but not Kermit the Frog. No, He got up off his green water tight ass and did something about it! We could all learn from his example that if you put your mind to something, you can do anything! It is no wonder why he is king of the puppet community and it is Kermit who got the girl (Miss Piggy). Miss Piggy doesn’t want to hang around Gonzo or even Animal. When she was faced with the task of who is she going to sleep with at the end of the day, she went for the smart guy.
So here’s to you Kermit the Frog, I lift my glass to you tonight as I recognize the pure genius of your ways. God bless you and America, the land of opportunity, the only place in the world that you can get rid of songs about rainbows by making rainbow colors synonymous with homosexuality.
I Am Thankful
I am thankful that I have God in my life. I have two angel-faced blessings that I look upon each day, enriching my belief that God is there. I thank God for giving us the opportunity to live comfortably (while not rich) and giving us everything that we need. I pray I can convey my massive thankfulness to Him in my daily life and do not get muddled with the everyday hustle and bustle.
I am thankful for my husband and children. They provide the joy in my existence. I love them and relish the love they give to me.
I am thankful to my parents. They spoil and love me unconditionally. I feel lucky to have been born to such wonderful parents. I also feel lucky to have married a man with a mother who I now call my own and who also loves me unconditionally.
I am thankful for my extended family and friends. They are like a warm blanket of support. I know that if I need prayers or support, I need only to ask.
So, I simply want to say, "Thank You," and I wish you all wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
It's Potty-Time!
She repeats this cycle about 30 minutes later, only this time she shouts, "It's potty time!" She does this again 30 minutes later. Each time, she successfully goes. I'm so excited. I ask her if she has to go one more time before we get in the car to pick up Josh. She goes.
We end up going to Target to buy more Skittles as they seem to do the trick. We buy a giant bag of Skittles and a pretty glass jar with a lid that screws on - so she can see the Skittles and be further tempted. The best part is, she went potty on the big toilet at Target when we got there and when we left!
So far today, I have had her in training underwear, which were still dry a few minutes ago. Like everything else she does, Krista has her own internal timeframe and when she's ready she goes full force. I pray for no back tracking now!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
- A Stick
- A Wand
- A Stick
- A Christmas Tree
- To Go Bye-Bye
Monday, November 17, 2008
Office Etiquette
If someone gets too close to your workspace: Gently place your foot on their face and push. The person will then fall to the floor and cry, greatly reducing their presence in your space.
If someone tries to steal your work: Grab what you are working on and yell, "NO, (Insert said person's name)!" Continue to yell at a higher and higher pitch and hunch over the work so the person can not take it.
If you see someone using the fax machine or another piece of shared office equipment: You should scream across the room, "Mine!" in your most whiny voice.
If the boss happens to be in the room: Hand over all of your work and supplies to the coworker as a sign of your willingness to work as a team (and so you won't get written up).
If a coworker has candy on their desk: Shove as much in your mouth at once as you can fit. Devour it all, except for one piece. Take that one last piece of candy and hold it in your hand as long as you can. Maybe this saved piece of candy will be a bargaining chip or perhaps you must save it in case there is a shortage of food.
And, finally, on the subject of the office restroom: Never ever be coerced into using the office restroom. You should wear a diaper all day and not attempt to use the restroom, even if your diaper is so wet that it saturates the back of your pants.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Dual Purpose
Monday, November 10, 2008
So Frustrated
FRIDAY @ 5PM: Instead of asking, "Do you want to go sit on the potty", in which she would respond, "Nope", I started a timer and just say, "OK - it's potty time." I then inforce the countdown and she comes with me to the potty chair and sits down. I also give her training underwear instead of a diaper to wear. I also made a chart and everytime she makes a potty on the chair she can make a star and when she gets 5 stars she gets a sucker. At first the timer was set to 30 minute intervals, but she wets her underwear between each potty chair visit. I change the timer to 15 minutes. She stays dry during a few of the intervals and even potties a tiny bit in the potty chair. She still wets herself in her underwear and doesn't let me know, she doesn't even care.
SATURDAY: Went to Grandma's house and forgot the potty chair - back to square one. She still does not say anything when she has wet/dirty diaper.
SUNDAY: Out for church and eating out, so she has a diaper on - I decide to wait till Monday to start again. Not one word about when her diaper is dirty or wet, I only change the diaper when I feel she is wet or can smell her across the room.
MONDAY: Timer started for 15 minute intervals. So far today she has had three different pairs of training underwear on and is on her second pair of pants. She pottied in the potty chair twice, but doesn't seem to care or have any differentiation between going in her pants or the potty chair. I am about to go back to the diapers after the next wet underwear.
Any ideas from other potty training parents? Is she just not ready or do I need to stay firm with her? It doesn't help that Gabriel thinks he needs to "help" us everytime we try to use the potty chair.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
So Silly
Krista: "It looks like Baby Gabriel."
Grandma: "Yep, it's like Baby Gabriel."
Krista then drops the man and steps on him. (It appeared to be accidental, but who knows...)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So Sad
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
So Simple
Saturday, November 1, 2008
So Long
Another goodbye goes out to a tree. Across the street (Faye's old house with the two very very large sycamore trees), the neighbor cut down one the large sycamore trees. I was glad to be free of SOME of the giant leaves that fall, but was sad to see this tree go - since it has been there my entire life. I'm not sure if the other tree will be going or not, but I will have to get used to the new view.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Princess & Bear
She was very artistic and loved all the colors of the rainbow.
A brown Bear lived nearby.
The loving Princess tried to greet the Bear with a hug, but it only enraged him.
The Princess finally tamed the Bear with a bag of his favorite snack.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Krista has several and they are varied:
- Can emit a high pitch squeal that only dogs can hear
- Mind Control - just by saying "mine," every object belongs to her AND she can elicit responses by giving commands, "Mommy, YOU want to go outside?!!"
- Gives hugs and kisses that will melt your heart
Gabriel also has a few good ones:
- Emits a contagious laugh that is irresistible
- Sucks all the air out of the room in one deep, squealing inhale
- Super-fast reflexes, he can grab the glasses off your face before you even "see" it coming
These are pretty good powers, but I have some of my own to counter them and keep them in check:
- Sad Face - Krista cannot let me have a sad face and will comply with any command if it will make Mommy happy
- Magic Countdown - if you don't listen by the count of 1, the world WILL explode
- Juggling Act - doing multiple tasks with a heavy child in one arm and another running around my feet
I bet you're pretty impressed, huh? It is quite fantastic.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Child Superheroes
Krista, the amazing mimic, can sound like anyone she wants. Currently, she's been addressing me by saying, "Tina! ....garble garble garble." It's funny how accurate she has Josh's voice inflection when he's telling me something, she just doesn't know what words to use besides my name.
Gabriel, the raging bull, can charge any hard object. He goes full force with his his head down and rams hard furniture. Then he's all like, "oh here's the table." He looks up at this point and climbs up to standing.
The kids will next appear in a comedy sitcom and Krista will reinact the time where she ran across the room, her foot steps through a circle shaped toy and she trips and falls (canned laughter would ensue).
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
Of course we got the standard "cute kids among the pumpkins" pictures. Some are posted on our favorites and I will post them all on our Photobucket site as soon as I can. My favorite has to be the picture of Gabriel's round little "pumpkin" head among the pumpkins.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Animal Sounds
Thanks Josh.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Paper, Paper, Paper!
The setting - I'm in the Kitchen, making Krista a waffle. Krista walks to the bathroom where Gabriel has crawled.
K: Gabriel! You are a messy boy.
G: AAhhahhh
K: Gabriel, you are oddry (ornery).
Pitter patter, pitter patter - Krista enters the kitchen.
K: Gabriel... Gabriel is got the tissue.
T: Did Gabriel find a tissue and tear it up?
K: Yeah.
I head to the bathroom where Gabriel has about the entire roll of tissue paper surrounding him on the floor and a very big smile on his face. I like paper!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Nap Time
This weekend, Josh put Krista down for her nap and shut the door. I finished feeding Gabriel and got him asleep and crept into their bedroom. There was Krista, sitting up on her bed and singing to her babies. Josh had forgotten to shut the blinds, so the sun was blaring in and brightening up the room. I laid Gabriel in his crib, pulled the blinds shut and told Krista to lay down to take a nap. Krista continued to talk and sing in her room. After a while I thought she might have gone to sleep and opened her door to peek in. Where was Krista? Not in her bed. Not on the floor by her bed. Not in the closet. "Krista, where are you?" All of a sudden, a smiling, toddler face peeks her head out from under Gabriel's crib. "Hi, Mommy!"
Ok, I guess nap time's over for today.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
On another *update* note: Gabriel is now pulling up to his feet all the time. This morning when I went to get him, he was standing in his crib. He's starting to move his feet a bit when he's standing and he almost dared to cruise from the laundry basket to his activity walker. He will definitely be my little dare-devil.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ansel's Post
--Blogger's note: What was Ansel Barking at? A plastic bag, blowing in the wind....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
30th Birthday
- The in's and out's of how a hockey goalie defends the goal (butterfly block, anyone?)
- The fact that Patrick Roy (former Avalanche #33 goalie) is pronounced "waugh" instead of "roy"
- The way to artfully frame a picture and be aware of surroundings
- The method to make the perfect frito-pie
- That ninjas, monkeys and zombies are awesome
- How to cook meals that incorporate no vegetables or fish
- That a person can change anything with time and dedication
- Contrary to popular belief, a Bob Ross painting is not easy to paint
- All leftover's must be heated up in the oven, not the microwave
- You can king more than one chess piece into the queen
- You can do a "smell" test on your Burger King order to make sure they remembered the onion rings
- How to say "about" in Canadian, "ah-boout"
- And finally, with enough practice, you can beat any song on Guitar Hero
Thanks, Josh, for those life lessons. And for the many, many others that I can't continue to list here. I love you and happy 30th birthday, I'm right behind you!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Choosing Words Carefully
Gabriel's not quite at the verbal communication stage, but he's very adept at yelling loudly for attention. A loud, "AHhhhhh," when he wants some juice in a sippy cup. So now that I've fulfilled Krista and Gabriel's need of orange juice, I have about 5 minutes of peaceful silence - at least until the next need is realized.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Good Song
Krista began singing a jibberish song and I was just smiling and listening to her. Then she stops singing and (with a very serious look on her face) looks up at me and says, "That's a good song, Mommy." I started laughing and then she started laughing. Then she proceeded to sing again and tell me again what a good song it was that she just made up.
What a Goof.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Krista's Teeth
Of course, now (after visiting the DR's office on Tues and the Dentist's office on Thurs) Krista has caught a cold... a nice runny nose and slight fever today - I never get away from those visits without a cold. In the near future I expect Gabriel to catch it from Krista and Josh and I will catch it from him.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Gabriel's 9mos Check Up
Weight: 21 lbs 4 oz (50-75%)
Height: 28.25" (50%)
Head: 18" (50-75%)
Overall, Gabriel is a very well-proportioned average child. His language abilities are right on track as he says, Gaga, Mama, Papa, Baba, Yaya.... the only one he says with purpose is "Mama" when he's mad and wants picked up. Sometimes he says "Papa" when he sees Josh leaving.
Nana will be glad to know that he had some meat yesterday. Some baby food ham, mixed in his other vege/cereal combo. No full body convulsions of disgust this time! Either he likes the ham better than the turkey or I mixed it well with the other food.
Today we also have a new adventure - today is Krista's first dentist appointment. I'll let you know how it goes!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's Raining, It's Pouring...
Krista continues to talk and gabber. She sings Ring Around the Rosie, while running a circle around Gabriel on the floor. She thinks it's funny and so does he - great free entertainment. And isn't that the best kind?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sugar & Spice
1. The other night after the bedroom door was closed for bedtime I heard Gabriel start to fuss and cry and then I heard Krista begin to sing, "Jingle Bells... Jingle Bells...." Instead of whining or telling him to be quiet, she was trying to sooth him with a song.
2. Anytime we are around other kids (even kids she doesn't know) she goes right up to them to be friends. She wants to give them all hugs and kisses and be sweet to them.
3. Lately, Krista has been good at sharing as well. Handing Gabriel some of her prized possession toys including her "new" magic wand, tea cup and little people toys.
Gabriel on the other hand has been crawling lately. He crawled to the dog food bowl and tipped it upside down in a matter of seconds. He likes to get close to the animals so he can grab and pull their fur. He likes paper because he likes to crumple and tear it up in a destructive manner. He definitely going to keep me on my toes - a polar opposite to his sister!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Garage Sale Adventures
We found a toddler little tikes climber/slide, some books and a few toys that Nana bought. Now we had a dilemma - how to get a large, plastic climb on toy in my little car with 2 adults and 2 car seats? We incorrectly assumed this plastic toy would just pop apart. No, it had at least 2 phillips screws attaching the slide. A neighbor was sitting at the owner's house at this sale, so no help finding a screwdriver there.
So, round two - after going to Super Target to obtain some tools - we took the very long phillips screws out of the slide and popped it off. The owner was back at her house, a very bubbly blonde who wanted to get rid of her stuff. The two of us could not figure out how the rest of the toy came apart (she had bought it together in one piece). So we both tried several times to wedge it in my car - first in the trunk, then the passenger seat (two ways), then back to the trunk. We finally got it down in the trunk far enough to tie it down. Then we drove slowly all the way back across town where I successfully pulled the toy out of the trunk and reassembled it. Then we were off to another garage sale that happened to be down the block, where a jackpot of little people toys were found.
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Expected & Unexpected
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Goodbye Gramps
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Happy Sad News
I have some Sad news - Gramps Kopf (Great-Grandpa to Krista & Gabriel) had a fall the other night, a pretty major TIA this time. It doesn't look like he's going to pull through this time. Fr. Walsh went out to the nursing home and performed the last rite on him last night. We spent a few hours there this morning with the rest of the Kopf crew this morning. So, please keep him in your prayers during this time. Here's a pic of Gramps holding Krista & Alex at Christmastime:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Krista's Check-Up
Height: 37.5" (in the 75-90%)
Weight: 27.4lbs (in the 25-50%)
No infections or problems or current concerns. She did not have to get any shots at this visit. Her next well-child appointment won't be until her 3 year check.
Next month, we have Gabriel's 9mos appointment to look forward to and some upcoming flu vaccines...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
More than that, though, a birthday is a good time to reflect on the year and how things are going. This past year a new member was added to my family - a very loud, roly-poly boy that I couldn't love more. My daughter is becoming a very sweet and compassionate person (with a few toddler/selfish/tantrum moments thrown in). Josh and I are as strong as ever as a couple. We are financially sound, no excess, but not hurting either. Overall, it's been a good year. I can only hope that the years to come match the fun and challenges that this one brought. Happy Birthday to me!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The List
- Citrus Zester
- Regular sized crockpot (mine is huge and I always end up burning what I make, b/c it doesn't even halfway fill the pot up)
- Headphones that I can plug into my computer - something comfortable to wear, no ear buds please!
- Word Games (including Scrabble) for my computer
- Flashlight
- Laptop Case (for the rare occasion I take my computer somewhere)
- Wireless Router
- Laptop desk (right now I hunch over a TV tray, which is not so good on my back)
- Cute wireless mouse
- VHS-Digital/DVD conversion software or hardware
- Free labor to dig up the flowerbeds in a few weeks (we want to put our mulch down)
- Free labor to help us repaint the garage and house next spring
- Free labor to babysit while we accomplish the above tasks! :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hands Full
Monday, August 11, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Hole
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Abiyoyo Feet
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ultimate Flip Flopper
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Like Sailors
Josh and I took the time to eat lunch at BW3's and watch a matinee movie (the new Mummy flick, which I advise waiting for on video - if at all). But, we had the most fun cursing like sailors in the car for the fun of it. We unleashed and had no toddler filter on our dirty mouths. I can't believe something so silly and simple was so much fun. I have no problem with the filter, normally, I think it was just the mindset that we were free to do whatever - even if it was only for a few hours.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Very Nice Kid
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Birthday Month
On a side note, I made Krista's first dentist appointment. It will be in September, so wish her good luck. It is probably a little late in the eyes of the pediatric dentist, although our normal dentist wasn't too concerned about getting her an appointment right away. But, she is getting good at letting me brush her teeth and wanting to "do it myself" - so that is a good sign.
Gabriel is almost to the point of crawling. He can get up entirely on his hands and knees for a short period of time now. This can't be an easy feat as he is a chunker. This makes sleeping through the night harder on us because he flips himself over and crawls (as much as he can in the crib). He then gets in uncomfortable situations with his legs stuck out the front of the crib or his head jammed in the corner. So up mom gets to plop him back in the middle of the crib on his back and stick a paci back in his mouth. This has been happening at least once a night recently. All I can say is: Ugh.
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Amazing Ansel
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Potty Time Update
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Peek a Boo!
On another note, Krista has been saying some funny things now that she is talking more:
"Baby G is a Chunky Monkey"
"I wanna do that, mommy"
"I'm soooo sorry, mommy" (usually for no reason at all)
"Baby G's a kid!" (in response to me referring to him as a baby)
Kids are so funny.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Presents from Rebates
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Stranger Danger
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Adult Supervision
Monday, July 14, 2008
Black Bike
Friday, July 11, 2008
A Step...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
J: Want me to cut it?
T: Yeah! (Enthusiastic sarcasm)
J: I can do it.
T: Really? OK - I don't care.
J: Come here.
T: OK.
J: Are you seriously going to let me cut it?
T: Yeah, do it.
And he did do it. He cut it right below my ponytail holder. It actually doesn't look too bad for having my husband hack off my hair. It is shorter in the back and longer at the sides, but it kind of looks like I wanted it on purpose. Well, I guess it just proves I'm not one of these people who freak out when they go to get their hair cut OR I'm crazy.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
She Did It

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Long Weekend
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Me At Home
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Moon
K: "The moon, mommy!"
T: "Yep, that's the moon, honey."
K: "It's broken mommy. Mommy, it's broken."
As I looked out my window (when we were safely stopped at a red light), the moon was no longer "round" as it had been the last time Krista saw it. It was in more of a half-moon phase. Ok, so I am definitely biased because this is my child, but I thought it was amazing how observant my 2 year old was.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Jump Rope
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Deathtrap
I guess I'm not overly concerned as Gabriel is still currently sleeping in the crib, but I don't want to take a chance too long. So in an effort to resolve the issue, I go to the offical recall website for the company: http://www.jardinecribrecall.com/ and fill out my information. They are sending me an information packet of what I need to do next. What I don't understand is, if they are really concerned about my children and want me to stop using the crib immediately, why do I have to wait for a kit and a voucher (that arrives 1-2 weeks later) before I can purchase a new crib. On top of that, they want you to disassemble the old crib to send certain parts to them before they send the voucher.
Ok... where does Gabriel go with no crib? I guess he will have a gimpy set-up on the floor. I wonder how much of a deathtrap that is for Mr. Roly-Poly. I guess I just don't understand why they wouldn't have you purchase a new crib and then send a reimbursement check in the amount of the old crib, so your baby has a safe place to sleep in the interim. Well, just look for a grumpy Tina in the upcoming weeks as I will probably get no sleep - hopefully Gabriel does.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
An Introduction
As an introduction, I am Tina Hatchell, married to Josh Hatchell and we have two lovely little children - Krista, 2, and Gabriel, 6 mos. So you will most likely get to know them as I see them. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I have a lot of time to contemplate everything and nothing. I will try to keep the posts informative and entertaining, but we'll see how it goes.